Saturday, November 27, 2010

SOFTKriti > Twin Linux

Twin Linux – Running Independent Kernels on separate cores of Multi-Core Systems for improving performance.    
On the current Linux SMP architecture, all the cores execute single copy of the Linux kernel. Usual execution of Linux Kernel is based on scheduling threads on all the cores. This allows execution of multiple threads in parallel to achieve better performance. However, when the number of cores in a system goes on increasing, the overhead posed by scheduler is too high because of frequent switching and scheduling of threads across all the cores. Running independent copies of Kernels on different cores can be used for this scenario.
The idea is to run different images of Kernels on different cores of a multi-core system and provide synchronization between the Kernels using IPIs (Inter Processor Interrupts) and shared memory.
We present an implementation of this scenario for 2 processing units using a Core 2 duo system. 

Project by Team SMSK from Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune.
Their team : 
1: Kiran Pawar
2: Mandar Naik
3: Swapnil Pimpale
4: Swapnil Rathi

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